Developers Home»How-to Guide»Create a txwrapper for a chain

Create a txwrapper for a chain


Structure the public API of a chain's txwrapper package.

Use Cases

For existing txwrapper users to easily integrate new txwrappers.


Creating a txwrapper package will expand the offline signing options for users of your chain. This is important for security conscious users who need to facilitate transaction signing, construction and/or decoding with an air-gapped device(s). This includes (but is not limited to) custodians, exchanges, and cold storage users.


Prior to building a txwrapper for your own chain, have a look at the txwrapper-examples. Make sure you understand the Polkadot example and take a look at the txwrapper-core methods an end user is expected to use (see decode, construct.{signingPayload, signedTx, txHash}). Your package will be re-exporting these so be sure to understand the public API you will create.


1. Create a repo using txwrapper-template

Copy the txwrapper-template directory into your working repository.

The template provides the basics of a typescript package near ready for being published to NPM. The exports show some methods that are relevant to a FRAME based chain using at least the balances, proxy, and utility pallets.


txwrapper-core]( is re-exported at the top level to give the user access to its tools.

2. Update package.json

Modify the following fields to reflect your chains information:

  • name
  • author
  • description
  • repository
  • bugs
  • homepage
  • private (mark as false)

Additionally, add the following field to give publishing permission:

  "publishConfig": {
    "access": "public"

3. Choose relevant methods to re-export

You will need to choose what pallet methods you want your txwrapper to expose. It is recommended to choose methods that are likely to be signed by keys stored offline.


If you just need methods from Substrate or ORML pallets, checkout txwrapper-substrate and txwrapper-orml to see if the methods are already defined.

4. Create a getRegistry method

Your txwrapper will need to export a getRegistry method so users can get a Polkadot-js TypeRegistry with the most up-to-date types for your chain.

With some small modifications, the foo example below can be applied to any FRAME-based chain compatible with Polkadot-js types:

// src/index.ts

import { typesBundleForPolkadot } from '@foo-network/type-definitions';
import { OverrideBundleType } from '@polkadot/types/types';
import {
} from '@substrate/txwrapper-core';

// As a convenience to users we can provide them with hardcoded chain properties
// as these rarely change.
 * `ChainProperties` for networks that txwrapper-foo supports. These are normally returned
 * by `system_properties` call, but since they don't change much, it's pretty safe to hardcode them.
  foo: {
    ss58Format: 3,
    tokenDecimals: 18,
    tokenSymbol: 'FOO',
  bar: {
    ss58Format: 42,
    tokenDecimals: 18,
    tokenSymbol: 'FOO',

// We override the `specName` property of `GetRegistryOptsCore` in order to get narrower type specificity,
// hopefully creating a better experience for users.
 * Options for the `getRegistry` function.
export interface GetRegistryOpts extends GetRegistryOptsCore {
  specName: keyof typeof KNOWN_CHAIN_PROPERTIES;

 * Get a type registry for networks that txwrapper-foo supports.
 * @param GetRegistryOptions specName, chainName, specVersion, and metadataRpc of the current runtime
export function getRegistry({
}: GetRegistryOpts): TypeRegistry {
  const registry = new TypeRegistry();
    // If your types are not packaged in the `OverrideBundleType` format, you can
    // specify types in any of the formats supported by `RegisteredTypes`:
    typesBundle: (typesBundleForPolkadot as unknown) as OverrideBundleType,

  return getRegistryBase({
    chainProperties: properties || KNOWN_CHAIN_PROPERTIES[specName],
    specTypes: getSpecTypes(registry, chainName, specName, specVersion),

And add relevant exports:

// src/methods/currencies/index.ts

// export the method, effectively making available under the `currencies` namespace
export * from './transfer'
// src/methods

// Export everything from within `methods`, including the `currencies` namespace, making it so we can
// access the method via `methods.currencies.transfer`
export * as methods from './methods'

5. Create a working example


A good example can ease user friction and reduce workload for maintainers. Create an end-to-end example so users have a clear understanding of the full flow for offline transaction generation for your chain.

  1. Rename template-example.ts to something appropriate to your chain and update all the sections in the file marked TODO.
  2. Update examples/ in the sections marked TODO.
  3. Make sure you can run the example using a development node for your chain.

6. Publish your package

Once you've made sure that versioning make sense and that the package works locally, refer to this guide to learn how publish your package to NPM.



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