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Getting Started

This part will teach you everything you need to know to get started building smart contracts on Substrate with ink!.

1. Installing prerequisites on your computer

2. Starting a new project with cargo-contract

3. Building and testing our contract

4. Deploying our contract on a local Substrate node

5. Interacting with our contract using the Contracts UI

6. Troubleshooting

Learning outcomes

  • Learn the basic of writing smart contracts with ink!
  • Learn how to deploy an ERC20 contract in a Substrate node using ink!

To follow this tutorial, you will need to set up some stuff on your computer.


Follow the official installation steps to install the prerequisites.

Once you have done the above you will also need to run:

rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly

1. Installing The Substrate Contracts Node

We need to use a Substrate node with the built-in pallet-contracts pallet. For this workshop we'll use a pre-configured Substrate node client.

cargo install contracts-node --git --tag v0.6.0 --force --locked

2. ink! CLI

The final tool we will be installing is the ink! command line utility which will make setting up Substrate smart contract projects easier.

As a prerequisite for the tool you need to install the binaryen package, which is used to optimize the WebAssembly bytecode of the contract.

If you are using Ubuntu, Debian or MacOS, you could install it directly:

# For Ubuntu or Debian users
sudo apt install binaryen
# For MacOS users
brew install binaryen


If you're unable to find a version of binaryen compatible with your OS, you can download the binary release directly.

After you've installed the package execute:

cargo install cargo-contract --vers ^0.17 --force --locked

You can then use cargo contract --help to start exploring the commands made available to you.

Creating An ink! Project

We are going to use the ink! CLI to generate the files we need for a Substrate smart contract project.

From your working directory, run:

cargo contract new flipper

This command will create a new project folder named flipper which we will explore:

cd flipper/

ink! Contract Project

  └─                <-- Contract Source Code
  └─ Cargo.toml            <-- Rust Dependencies and ink! Configuration
  └─ .gitignore

1. Contract Source Code

The ink! CLI automatically generates the source code for the "Flipper" contract, which is about the simplest "smart" contract you can build. You can take a sneak peak as to what will come by looking at the Flipper Example.

The Flipper contract is nothing more than a bool which gets flipped from true to false through the flip() function. We won't go deep into the details of this source code because we will be walking you through the steps of building a more advanced contract!

2. Testing Your Contract

You will see at the bottom of the source code there are simple test cases which verify the functionality of the contract. We can quickly test this code is functioning as expected using the off-chain test environment that ink! provides.

In your project folder run:

cargo +nightly test

To which you should see a successful test completion:

$ cargo +nightly test
    running 2 tests
    test flipper::tests::it_works ... ok
    test flipper::tests::default_works ... ok

    test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Now that we are feeling confident things are working, we can actually compile this contract to Wasm.

3. Building Your Contract

Run the following command to compile your smart contract in the Flipper project directory:

cargo +nightly contract build


If you run into a call to unsafe function error, run cargo install --force cargo-contract && rustup update to make sure everything is up to date.

This command will build a Wasm binary for the ink! project, a metadata file (which contains the contract's ABI) and a .contract file which bundles both. This .contract file can be used for deploying your contract to your chain. If all goes well, you should see a target folder which contains these files:

  └─ ink
    └─ release
      └─ ...
    └─ .rustc_info.json
    └─ flipper.contract
    └─ flipper.wasm
    └─ metadata.json

Let's take a look at the structure of metadata.json:

  "metadataVersion": "0.1.0",
  "source": {...},
  "contract": {...},
  "spec": {
    "constructors": [...],
    "docs": [],
    "events": [],
    "messages": [...],
  "storage": {...},
  "types": [...]

This file describes all the interfaces that can be used to interact with your contract:

  • types provides the custom data types used throughout the rest of the JSON.
  • storage defines all the storage items managed by your contract and how to ultimately access them.
  • spec stores information about the callable functions like constructors and messages a user can call to interact with the contract. It also has helpful information like the events that are emitted by the contract or any docs.

If you look closely at the constructors and messages, you will also notice a selector which contains a 4-byte hash of the function name and is used to route your contract calls to the correct functions.

In the next section we will start a Substrate Smart Contracts node and configure the Contracts UI to interact with it.

Running a Substrate Smart Contracts Node

After successfully installing substrate-contracts-node, you can start a local development chain by running:

substrate-contracts-node --dev

Substrate Smart Contracts Node

You should start seeing blocks being produced by your node in your terminal.

Deploying your Contract

Go to the hosted version of Contracts UI to interact with your node. You first need to configure the UI to connect to it:

  • Click on the dropdown selector at top left corner.
  • Choose the Local Node.

Connect to local node

Now that we have generated the Wasm binary from our source code and connected to a local node, we want to deploy this contract onto our Substrate blockchain.

Smart contract deployment on Substrate is a little different than on traditional smart contract blockchains.

Whereas a completely new blob of smart contract source code is deployed each time you push a contract on other platforms, Substrate opts to optimize this behavior. For example, the standard ERC20 token has been deployed to Ethereum thousands of times, sometimes only with changes to the initial configuration (through the Solidity constructor function). Each of these instances take up space on the blockchain equivalent to the contract source code size, even though no code was actually changed.

In Substrate, the contract deployment process is split into two steps:

  1. Putting your contract code on the blockchain
  2. Creating an instance of your contract

With this pattern, contract code like the ERC20 standard can be put on the blockchain one single time, but instantiated any number of times. No need to continually upload the same source code over and waste space on the blockchain.

1. Upload Contract Code

Here we will upload the contract code and instantiate one copy of the contract on the blockchain ( which is usually why we upload the contract code in the first place):

  • Click the Add New Contract button in the sidebar.
  • Click the Upload New Contract Code button in the Add New Contract page.
  • Choose an Instantiation account (e.g. ALICE).
  • Give the contract a descriptive Name (e.g. Flipper Contract).
  • Drag the flipper.contract file that contains the bundled Wasm blob and metadata into the drag & drop area. You will see the UI parse the metadata and enabling the button that takes you to the next step.
  • Click the Next button

Flipper Instantiate Contract 01

2. Instantiate a Contract on the Blockchain

Smart contracts exist as an extension of the account system on the blockchain. Thus creating an instance of this contract will create a new AccountId which will store any balance managed by the smart contract and allow us to interact with the contract.

Now a screen displays the information that represents our smart contract. We are going to instantiate a copy of the smart contract:

  • Accept the default options for the contract Deployment Constructor.
  • Accept the default options Max Gas Allowed of 200000.
  • Click on Next

Flipper Instantiate Contract 02

The transaction is now queued, review your data and click Upload and Instantiate or go back and modify your inputs.

Flipper Instantiate Contract 03

When you click Upload and Instantiate you should see the extrinsic instantiateWithCode is processing, and a flurry of events appear including the creation of a new account (system.NewAccount) and the instantiation of the contract (contracts.Instantiated). You will be redirected to a new page, where you can interact with the newly created contract instance.

Flipper Instantiate Success

Calling your Contract

Now that your contract has been fully deployed, we can start interacting with it! Flipper only has two functions, flip() and get() so we will show you what it's like to play with both of them.

1. get() function

We set the initial value of the Flipper contract value to false when we instantiated the contract. Let's check that this is the case.

In the Message to Send section, select the "get(): bool" message and accept the default values for the other options.

Press "Read" and confirm that it returns the value false:

An image of Flipper RPC call with false

2. flip() function

So let's make the value turn true now!

The alternative message to send with the UI is flip(). Again, accept the default values for the other options and click Call

An image of a Flipper transaction

If the transaction was successful, we should then be able to go back to the get() function and see our updated storage:

An image of Flipper RPC call with true

Woohoo! You deployed your first smart contract!

3. Moving Forward

We will not go over these setup and deployment steps again, but you can use them throughout the tutorial to deploy certain contract on-chain.

The rest of the tutorial will have template code which you will use to walk through the different steps of contract development. Each template comes with a fully designed suite of tests that should pass if you programmed your contract correctly. Before you move on from a section, make sure that you run:

cargo +nightly test

and that the tests all execute successfully without any warnings.

You need not deploy your contract between each section, but if we ask you to deploy your contract, you will need to follow these same steps you have done with the Flipper contract.


Here are solutions to some of the common problems you may come across:

1. Unexpected Epoch Change

There is a known issue with the Substrate block production (BABE) on a running chain. If you stop your node for too long (closing the terminal, putting your computer to sleep, etc...), you will get the following error:

ClientImport("Unexpected epoch change")

To solve this you will need to restart your node with: substrate-contracts-node --dev --tmp. At that point, you will need to re-deploy any contracts and re-do any steps that you may have done before on your node. As long as you keep your node running, you should face no issues.

2. Old Contracts in Local Storage

Contracts UI uses its own local storage to track the contracts that you have deployed. This means that if you deploy a contract using the UI, and then purge your node, you will be prompted to reset your local storage and please do so. And then re-deploy any contracts and re-do any steps that you may have done before on your node.

3. Other Issues

If you run into any other issues during this tutorial, please report an issue!

Last edit: on

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