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Transaction Pool

The transaction pool contains all transactions (signed and unsigned) broadcasted to the network that have been received and validated by the local node.


The transaction pool checks for transaction validity. Note that validity of the transaction is not hard-wired to the transaction pool, but is defined by the runtime. Example validity checks are:

  • Checking if the Transaction Index (nonce) is correct.
  • Checking if the account has enough funds to pay for the associated fees.
  • Checking if the signature is valid.

The transaction pool also regularly checks validity of existing transactions within the pool. A transaction will be dropped from the pool if it is found to be invalid or is an expired mortal transaction.

validate_transaction is called from the runtime to check for a valid signature and nonce (or output for a UTXO chain) and returns a Result. It does this check in isolation, so it will not catch errors such as the same output being spent twice.

Although it is possible, validate_transaction does not check whether calls to pallets will succeed. It is a potential DoS vector since all transactions in the network will be passed into validate_transaction.

The validate_transaction function should focus on providing the necessary information for the pool to order and prioritize transactions, and quickly reject all transactions that are invalid or outdated. The function will be called frequently, potentially multiple times for the same transaction. It is also possible for validate_transaction to fail a dependent transaction that would pass execute_block if it were executed in the correct order.


If the transaction is valid, the transaction queue sorts transactions into two groups:

  • Ready Queue - Contains transactions that can be included in a new pending block. For runtimes built with FRAME, the transactions must follow the exact order in the ready queue.
  • Future Queue - Contains transactions that may become valid in the future. For example, a transaction may have a nonce that is too high for its account. This transaction will wait in the future queue until the preceding transactions are included in the chain.

Although it's possible to design a custom runtime to remove the queues' strict transaction ordering requirements. This would allow full nodes to implement different strategies on transaction propagation and block inclusion.

Transaction dependencies

The ValidTransaction struct defines the requires and provides parameters to build a dependency graph of transactions. Together with priority (discussed below), this dependency graph allows the pool to produce a valid linear ordering of transactions.

For runtimes built with FRAME, the nodes order transactions with an account-based system. Every signed transaction needs to contain a nonce, which is incremented by 1 every time a new transaction is made. For example, the first transaction from a new account will have nonce = 0 and the second transaction will have nonce = 1.

At minimum, FRAME transactions have a provides tag of encode(sender ++ nonce) and a requires tag of encode(sender ++ (nonce -1)) if nonce > 0. Transactions do not require anything if nonce=0. As a result, all transactions coming from a single sender will form a sequence in which they should be included.

Substrate supports multiple provides and requires tags, so custom runtimes can create alternate dependency (ordering) schemes.

Transaction priority

Transaction priority in the ValidTransaction struct determines the ordering of transactions that are in the ready queue. If a node is the next block author, it will order transactions from high to low priority in the next block until it reaches the weight or length limit of the block.

priority defines the linear ordering of a graph in the case of one transaction unlocking multiple dependent transactions. For example, if we have two (or more) transactions that have their dependencies satisfied, then we use priority to choose the order for them.

For runtimes built with FRAME, priority is defined as the fee that the transaction is going to pay. For example:

  • If we receive 2 transactions from different senders (with nonce=0), we use priority to determine which transaction is more important and included in the block first.
  • If we receive 2 transactions from the same sender with an identical nonce, only one transaction can be included on-chain. We use priority to choose the transaction with a higher fee to store in the transaction pool.

Note that the pool does not know about fees, accounts, or signatures it only deals with the validity of the transaction and the abstract notion of the priority, requires, and provides parameters. All other details are defined by the runtime via the validate_transaction function.

Transaction lifecycle

A transaction can follow two paths:

Block produced by our node

  1. Our node listens for transactions on the network.
  2. Each transaction is verified and valid transactions are placed in the transaction pool.
  3. The pool is responsible for ordering the transactions and returning ones that are ready to be included in the block. Transactions in the ready queue are used to construct a block.
  4. Transactions are executed and state changes are stored in local memory. Transactions from the ready queue are also propagated (gossiped) to peers over the network. We use the exact ordering as the pending block since transactions in the front of the queue have a higher priority and are more likely to be successfully executed in the next block.
  5. The constructed block is published to the network. All other nodes on the network receive and execute the block.

Notice that transactions are not removed from the ready queue when blocks are authored, but removed only on block import. This is due to the possibility that a recently-authored block may not make it into the canonical chain.

Block received from network

The block is executed and the entire block either succeeds or fails.

Signed extensions

SignedExtension is a trait by which a transaction can be extended with additional data or logic. Signed extensions are used anywhere you want some information about a transaction prior to execution. This is heavily used in the transaction pool.

The runtime can use some of this data, for example the Call that will be dispatched, to calculate transaction fees. Signed extensions also include an AdditionalSigned type that can hold any encodable data, and therefore allow you to perform any custom logic prior to including or dispatching a transaction. The transaction queue regularly calls functions from SignedExtension to validate transactions prior to block construction to avoid including transactions that will fail in blocks.

Despite the name, SignedExtension can also be used to verify unsigned transactions. The *_unsigned set of methods can be implemented to encapsulate validation, spam, and replay protection logic that is needed by the transaction pool.

Further Reading

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