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Welcome to the Substrate community


This section is still work in progress.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to documentation for the Substrate development framework. As a member of the community, you are invited and encouraged to contribute by submitting issues, offering suggestions for improvements to existing content, adding review comments to existing pull requests, proposing new content, or creating new pull requests to fix issues or provide new content.

We value, respect, and appreciate all contributions from the developer community and only ask that you agree to abide by our Code of conduct and review our Contributor guidelines.

To learn more about how to contribute, including guidelines for how to structure content and how to participate in our bounty program that pays you for contributing, see the following topics:

Repository working guidelines

To facilitate a streamlined and pleasant workflow for contributors and maintainers, we follow some particular workflows and best practices in this repository.

Creating PRs

Always create your own branch to work on the site, and submit pull requests to develop.

All contributions should target develop for pushing new content before merging with main and publishing the site. The main branch is production ONLY and must be deployed by a maintainer with the access to do so through Forestry.

The maintainers ask everyone to be responsible about rebasing (not merging) on top of the present develop branch just before merging and carefully reviewing any conflicts here - especially whenever you are changing globally used config/gatsby files. Any changes in the same pages we make in different PRs without this can conflict otherwise!

Before maintainers merge a PR, they will:

  • Get required approvals from other maintainers
  • Clone repo locally
  • Checkout and pull local develop up to the head of origin/develop
  • Checkout the PR branch from origin/<pr branch>
  • git rebase develop
  • Review and fix conflicts correctly, especially with respect to links/config files
  • git push --force (for the PR branch, _not develop! )
  • If some major change was needed in this, get approvals/clarifications on these.
  • git merge --squash the PR (on the github PR's page)

Contributor guidelines

The most valuable contributions from the community typically take the form of how-to guides or tutorials that help other developers solve specific problems, learn specific skills, or demonstrate specific tasks.

If you would like to contribute, you might be wondering “What is the difference between a ‘how-to’ guide and a tutorial?”.

How-to guides

A how-to guide describes how to achieve a goal or complete a task. Only the information that is pertinent to achieving that goal or completing the task is included. With how-to guides, readers have enough information to know what they want to do—for example, open a bank account—but not necessarily enough information to know how to do it—for example, 1) select an institution, 2) fill out an application, 3) deposit a minimum amount of currency. How-to guides often include links to additional information, but should not include explanations that take the focus away from what the reader wants to accomplish.


A tutorial is a hands-on illustration or lesson that enables the reader to achieve a highly-predictable result. Tutorials assume that readers have no prior knowledge on the subject being covered and that they require explicit guidance to complete each step to reach a well-known outcome. Typically, a tutorial is a guided tour that helps the reader complete one organic task from start to finish. There are no detours and the information should not be broken out into subtopics because the steps must be completed in order, not in a sequence of the reader’s choosing.

The single most important aspect of a tutorial is that it should always result in a successful, expected outcome. The successful outcome is what inspires confidence and delight in the reader. The single most important distinction between a how-to guide and a tutorial is that in a tutorial the author decides what the goal should be and the author eliminates all distractions that would detract from the successful achievement of the goal.

Recommendations for writing how-to guides

The Substrate Developer Hub is intended to provide a modular and extensible framework of resources for the Substrate developer community and broader ecosystem. To achieve this goal, we want to make it easy for contributors to integrate new content that follows a few guiding principles and basic conventions for structure and style. As a content creator, you should keep the following general principles in mind:

  • ◼️ Modularity. Each guide has a well-defined and useful focus. However, if there’s information that’s useful in more than one guide, you can abstract it into a standalone topic and reuse it in multiple places.

  • 🔗 Linking. Guides should use links where they are useful—for example, to guide readers to concepts or reference topics—but be mindful that stale links frustrate readers.

  • ⏯️ Examples. Useful code examples are a critical component of creating a useful guide.

  • 🛰️ Related references. Guides can include links to related resources, like Rust docs, video content, or other guides and tutorials.

Content categories and tags

The How-to guides are grouped into categories to help keep them organized in the how-to-guides repository. The current groupings reflect the different areas of development within Substrate:

  • Basics. Where the really simple guides live, those that can be referenced by more complex ones.

  • Pallet design. Everything to do with building custom pallets with or without FRAME.

  • Weights. Any content that covers configuring weights for specific use cases.

  • Testing. A collection of guides for testing.

  • Storage migrations. Anything to do with storage migrations.

  • Consensus. Client stuff, bridging, node configurations.

  • Parachains. Guides related to building parachain capabilities.

The source files use tags to identify the categories that apply. As a content contributor, you should use tags to identify the level of complexity and the most appropriate category for your content.


Specify the level of complexity by adding the most appropriate tag from the following list:

  • beginner
  • intermediate
  • advanced

Information category

Specify the category for your article by adding the most appropriate tag from the following list:

  • basics
  • client
  • consensus
  • currency
  • fees
  • frame-v1
  • migration
  • node
  • pallet design
  • proof-of-work
  • runtime
  • storage
  • testing
  • weights
  • parachains
  • contracts
Last edit: on

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