
As of January 2021, FRAME based pallets have upgraded their use of macros. Refer to this guide to learn about migrating a v1 pallet to v2 and this resource to learn more about FRAME's version changes.

Substrate uses Rust macros to aggregate the logic derived from pallets that are implemented for a runtime. These runtime macros allow developers to focus on runtime logic rather than encoding and decoding on-chain variables or writing extensive blocks of code to achieve basic blockchain fundamentals. This offloads a lot of the heavy lifting from blockchain development efforts and removes the need to duplicate code.

The purpose of this article is to give a basic overview of Rust macros and explain the Substrate macros that runtime engineers most frequently use.

Macro basics

Put simply, macros are lines of code that write code. They provide the ability to abstract things out without needing to declare complex data structures explicitly. There are four kinds of macro in Rust:

Most Substrate runtime macros are defined using either declarative macros or function-like macros, with a recent adoption of attribute-like macros in FRAME v2 pallets.

Tips to learn more about Substrate runtime macros

Substrate runtime macros

The following section is a comprehensive explanation of the macros that runtime engineers most frequently encounter. Developers who want to know about the implementation details are encouraged to follow the links in "Docs and Notes" sub-sections to better understand how each macro expands.

Substrate Primitives and FRAME both rely on a collection of various types of macros. The following sections will go over each in more detail. Here's a general overview of Substrate macros:

Macros in the FRAME Support Library:

Macros in the Substrate System Library:


Refer to #Substrate dependencies in the Cargo.toml file of the node template runtime to see where these are put to use.

FRAME macros and attributes

This sections covers all of the different macros that ship with FRAME. Refer to the structure of a pallet to understand the composition of a Substrate pallet.


When to use

Required to declare a pallet consisting of a set of types, functions, and trait implementations that will later be aggregated by construct_runtime to build to runtime.

What it does

This is the attribute macro that allows the pallet to be used in construct_runtime!. This macro is made up of the various attributes that will be used to identify the specific items the pallet requires.

Similar to a derive macro, this macro only expands types and trait implementations by reading the input and its input is almost never touched. The only exception where this macro modifies its input (contrary to a derive macro) is:

  • when a generic is replaced with a type. For example, in pallet::pallet the inner types of the item in pub struct Pallet<..>(_) is replaced by PhantomData and in pallet::storage, the first generic _ is replaced with a type that implements the StorageInstance trait.
  • some item is changed. For example, when pallet::type_value changes the function item into a struct and trait implementation.
  • some docs are added when none are provided by the user. For example, if no documentation is provided the macro pallet::pallet will modify the input to add documentation above the item struct Pallet<T>(_);.


When to use

Required to define the pallet's generics.

What it does

Provides constants that are part of the Config trait and gives information about external tools to use for the runtime.



When to use

To pass values of associated types to metadata, which allows the value of the type to be used by external tools and third parties. Note that this attribute is only usable from inside a #[pallet::config] item.

What it does

Provides the Config trait with the types and attributes it needs for the runtime and generates associated metadata.

Adding the #[pallet::constant] attribute will result in the macro adding to the constant metadata, including: the constant's name; the name of the associated type; the constant's value; and the value returned by Get::get().

For example, we can use #[pallet::constant] to put type MyGetParam in metadata:

pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
    #[pallet::constant] // puts attributes in metadata
    type MyGetParam: Get<u32>;



When to use

Optionally, for additional constants one may want to pass to metadata.

What it does

It allows to define some additional constants to put into metadata. For example, you could declare a function that returns a value that will be generated to metadata:

impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
  //Example function using extra_constants
  fn example_extra_constants() -> u128 { 4u128 }



When to use

Required to declare the pallet struct place holder, to be later used by construct_runtime.

What it does

Generates the Store trait if the attribute is provided, which contains an associated type for each storage item. It takes the form of a more explicit Rust struct module and can be written as pub struct Pallet<T>(_);, with the appropriate PhantomData replacing _ to make it generic.

This is an example of its definition:

#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);



When to use

Highly encouraged, but optional which will help ensure all of your pallet storage items are bounded.

What it does

This requires all storage to implement the trait traits::StorageInfoTrait, thus all keys and value types must bound pallet_prelude::MaxEncodedLen. Some individual storage can opt-out from this constraint by using #[pallet::unbounded], see #[pallet::storage] documentation.

This is an example of its definition:

#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);



When to use

Required for declaring pallet hooks.

What it does

Hooks are made available by using the Hooks trait.

For example:

impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
  // Hooks functions and logic goes here.



When to use

Required, to implement a pallet's dispatchables. Each dispatchable must:

  • define a weight with the #[pallet::weight($expr)] attribute
  • have its first argument as origin: OriginFor<T>,
  • use compact encoding for argument using #[pallet::compact]
  • return DispatchResultWithPostInfo or DispatchResult

What it does

Extrinsics can use calls to trigger specific logic. Calls can also be used in on-chain governance, demonstrated by the democracy pallet where calls can be voted on. #[pallet::call] allows to create dispatchable functions which will generate associated items from the impl code blocks. In other words, it aggregates all dispatchable logic using the Call enum which will aggregate all dispatchable calls into a single runtime call.



When to use

Optionally, to define error types to be used in dispatchables.

What it does

Puts error variants documentation into metadata.



When to use

Optionally, to define a pallet's event types.

What it does

It is similar to errors but it can holds more information. They generate the metadata of the event and add_derive. It uses the #[pallet::metadata(..)] attribute to define what metadata to put from the events.

For example:

#[pallet::metadata(u32 = "SpecialU32")]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
    Proposed(u32, T::AccountId),



When to use

Optionally, as it can be used multiple times.

What it does

To define some abstract storage inside runtime storage.

[pallet::storage] is using a Rust-like HashMap to do storage, except it takes a Key, Value, Hasher, Prefix, QueryKind and an OnEmpty parameter. The prefix generic defines the place where the storage will store its (key, value) pairs (i.e. the trie) and defines the pallet and storage prefix like such:

concat(twox_128(pallet_prefix), towx_128(storage_prefix)), replacing _ with the generated prefix implementations of the pallet and storage names.


Other attributes

Other FRAME macro attributes include:

Additional FRAME macros


When to use

To construct Substrate runtime and integrating various pallets into the runtime.

What it does

The macro declares and implements various struct and enum, e.g.Runtime, Event, Origin, Call, GenesisConfig etc, and implements various helper traits for these struct types. The macro also adds logics of mapping different events and dispatchable calls from the overarching runtime back to a particular pallet.

Docs and notes

  • API Documentation
  • Runtime struct type is defined to represent the Substrate runtime.
  • Event enum type is defined with variants of all pallets that emit events, with helper traits and encoding/decoding traits implemented for the enum. Various conversion traits Event also implements TryInto<pallets::Event<Runtime>> trait to extract the event out from the enum type.
  • Origin enum type is defined with helper traits, e.g. PartialEq, Clone, Debug implemented. This enum type defines who calls an extrinsic: NONE, ROOT, or signed by a particular account. These three primitive origins are defined by the FRAME System module, but optional FRAME pallets may also define origins.
  • Call enum type is defined with all integrated pallets as variants. It contains the data and metadata of each of the integrated pallets, and redirects calls to the specific pallet via implementing frame_support::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable trait.
  • GenesisConfig struct type is defined and implements sp_runtime::BuildStorage trait for building up the storage genesis config.
  • The macro adopts the frame_support::unsigned::ValidateUnsigned trait implementation from each pallet. If no ValidateUnsigned trait is implemented in any included pallets, all unsigned transactions will be rejected.


When to use

To declare parameter types to be assigned to pallet configurable trait associated types during runtime construction.

What it does

The macro replaces each parameter specified into a struct type with a get() function returning its specified value. Each parameter struct type also implements a frame_support::traits::Get<I> trait to convert the type to its specified value.


Substrate system library macros


When to use

This macro generates the API implementations for the client side through the RuntimeApi and RuntimeApiImpl struct type.

What it does

The macro defines the RuntimeApi and RuntimeApiImpl exposed to the Substrate node client. It provides implementation details of the RuntimeApiImpl based on the setup and appended user specified implementation in the RuntimeApiImpl.

Docs and notes

  • API Documentation
  • RuntimeApi and RuntimeApiImpl structs are declared. The macro also implements various helper traits for RuntimeApiImpl.
  • What developers define within impl_runtime_apis! macro are appended to the end of RuntimeApiImpl implementation.
  • To expose version information about the runtime, a constant RUNTIME_API_VERSIONS is defined. containing the runtime core ID/VERSION, metadata ID/VERSION, SessionKeys ID/VERSION, etc.
  • A public module api is defined with a dispatch() function implemented deciding how various strings are mapped to metadata or chain lifecycle calls.


When to use

To specify cryptographic key pairs and its signature algorithm that are to be managed by a pallet.

What it does

The macro declares three struct types, Public, Signature, and Pair. Aside from having various helper traits implemented for these three types, the Public type is implemented for generating keypairs, signing and verifying signatures; the Signature type is to hold the signature property given the chosen signature (e.g. SR25519, ED25519 etc); and the Pair type is to generate a public-private key pair from a seed.

Docs and notes

  • API Documentation
  • Public struct type is declared, and implements sp_application_crypto::AppKey trait defining the public key type, and sp_application_crypto::RuntimeAppPublic trait for generating keypairs, signing, and verifying signatures.
  • Signature struct type is declared, and implements core::hash::Hash trait on how the data with this signature type is hashed.
  • Pair struct type is declared to wrap over the crypto pair. This type implements sp_application_crypto::Pair and sp_application_crypto::AppKey traits determining how it generates public-private key pairs from a phrase or seed.


Last edit: on

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