
Blockchains you build on Substrate expose metadata in order to make it easier to interact with them. This metadata is separated by the different pallets that inform your blockchain.

For each pallet, the metadata provides information about the storage items, extrinsic calls, events, constants, and errors that are exposed by that pallet. Substrate automatically generates this metadata for you and makes it available through RPC calls.

Since the runtime of a Substrate blockchain is an evolving part of the blockchain's state, blockchain metadata is stored on a per-block basis. Be aware that querying the metadata for an older block (with an archive node, for example) could result in acquiring out-of-date metadata that is not compatible with a blockchain's current state. As described in the Upgrades documentation, developers building on top of Substrate chains can expect that the metadata for a chain should only change when the chain's runtime spec_version changes.

All examples in this document were taken from block 1,768,321 on Kusama. You can look at the full metadata before reading the rest of this document and continue to refer to it as you proceed.

Get the metadata

There are a number of language-specific libraries that you can use to fetch metadata from a Substrate node, as well as language-agnostic HTTP and WebSocket APIs.


The easiest way to get the metadata is by querying the automatically-generated JSON-RPC function state_getMetadata. This will return a vector of SCALE-encoded bytes. You can decode this using the frame-metadata and parity-scale-codec libraries.

Some helpful libraries like substrate-subxt fetch the metadata and decode them for you. Once decoded, the structure may be serialized into JSON with serde. If you'd prefer to use the RPC more directly, you can use the JSONRPC and jsonrpsee Rust libraries.


If you are using JavaScript, polkadot-js/api provides APIs to interact with a Substrate blockchain, including the getMetadata function.

You can use the following code snippets to fetch the metadata in this Polkadot-JS App - JavaScript page:

const metadata = await api.rpc.state.getMetadata()
console.log('version: ' + metadata.version)
console.log('Magic number: ' + metadata.magicNumber)
console.log('Metadata: ' + JSON.stringify(metadata.asLatest.toHuman(), null, 2))

HTTP & websocket APIs

Substrate nodes expose a JSON-RPC API that you can access by way of HTTP or WebSocket requests. The message to request metadata from a node looks like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "state_getMetadata",
  "params": []

You can leave params empty, or if you want to fetch the metadata for a specific block, provide the block's hash:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "state_getMetadata",
  "params": [

In the example above, 0xca15c2f1e1540517697b6b5f2cc6bc0c60876a1a1af604269b7215970798bbed is the hash of block 1,768,321.

The response has the following format:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "0x6d6574610b7c1853797374656d011853797374656d3c1c4163636f756e7401010230543a3a4163636f756e744964944163...",
  "id": 1

The result field contains the blockchain metadata as a SCALE-encoded hexadecimal string. The example above represents the actual value that is returned for block 1,768,321; you can check for yourself by using a WebSocket client to query a node. Continue reading to learn more about the format of this encoded blob as well as its decoded format.

Metadata formats

This section will briefly review the SCALE-encoded metadata that is represented as a hexadecimal string before taking a more detailed look at the metadata's decoded format.

Encoded metadata format

The hex blob that is returned by the JSON-RPCs state_getMetadata method starts with a hard-coded magic number, 0x6d657461, which represents "meta" in plain text. The next piece of data (0x0b in the example above) represents the metadata version; decoding the hexadecimal value 0x0b yields the decimal value 11, which is the version of the Substrate metadata format that the result encodes. After the metadata version, the next piece of information encoded in the result field is the number of pallets that inform the blockchain's runtime; in the example above, the hexadecimal value 0x7c represents the decimal number 31, which is SCALE-encoded by taking its binary representation (11111 or 0x1F in hex), shifting it two bits to the left (1111100) and encoding that as hex.

The remaining blob encodes the metadata of each pallet, which will be reviewed below as well as some extrinsic metadata, which is mostly out of the scope of this document.

Decoded metadata format

Here is a condensed version of decoded metadata:

  "magicNumber": 1635018093,
  "metadata": {
    "V12": {
      "modules": [
          // ...
          // ...
      "extrinsic": {
        "version": 4,
        "signedExtensions": [

As described above, the integer 1635018093 is a "magic number" that represents "meta" in plain text. The rest of the metadata has two sections: modules and extrinsic. The modules section contains information about the runtime's pallets, while the extrinsic section describes the version of extrinsics that the runtime is using. Different extrinsic versions may have different formats, especially when considering signed extrinsics.


Here is a condensed example of a single element in the modules array:

  "name": "System",
  "storage": {
    // ..
  "calls": [
    // ..
  "events": [
    // ..
  "constants": [
    // ..
  "errors": [
    // ..
  "index": 0

Every element contains the name of the pallet that it represents, as well as a storage object, calls array, events array, and errors array.


If calls or events are empty, they will be represented as null; if constants or errors are empty, they will be represented as an empty array.


Here is a condensed example of a single element in the modules array that highlights metadata about the module's storage:

  "name": "System",
  "storage": {
    "prefix": "System",
    "items": [
        "name": "Account",
        "modifier": "Default",
        "type": {
          "Map": {
            "hasher": "Blake2_128Concat",
            "key": "AccountId",
            "value": "AccountInfo",
            "linked": false
        "fallback": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "documentation": [
          " The full account information for a particular account ID."
        "name": "ExtrinsicCount"
        // ..
        "name": "AllExtrinsicsLen"
        // ..
  "calls": [
  "events": [
  "constants": [
  "errors": [
  "index": 0

Every storage item that is defined in a pallet will have a corresponding metadata entry. Metadata entries like these are generated from macros using associated types from the frame-system crate. For example:

pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
    type Foo: Get<u32>;

Storage metadata provides blockchain clients with the information that is required to query the JSON-RPC's storage function to get information for a specific storage item.

Dispatchable calls

Metadata for dispatchable calls includes information about the runtime calls are defined by the #[pallet] macro. For each call, the metadata includes:

  • name: Name of the function in the pallet.
  • args: Arguments in function definition. Includes the name and type of each argument.
  • documentation: Documentation of the function.

For example:

impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {

  /// This function does some thing.
  /// All documentation details go here.
  pub(super) fn do_something(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    #[pallet::compact] thing: T::Something
  ) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
    // ... snip

This materializes in the metadata as follows:

"calls": [
    "name": "do_something",
    "args": [
        "name": "thing",
        "ty": "Compact<T::Something>"
    "documentation": [
      " This function does some thing.",
      " All documentation details go here."

This metadata snippet is generated from this declaration in frame-system:

#[pallet::metadata(T::AccountId = "AccountId")]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
  /// An extrinsic completed successfully.
  ExtrinsicSuccess(DispatchInfo, T::AccountId),
  /// An extrinsic failed.
  ExtrinsicFailed(DispatchError, DispatchInfo),
  // ... snip

Substrate's metadata would describe these events as follows:

"events": [
    "name": "ExtrinsicSuccess",
    "args": [
    "documentation": [
      " An extrinsic completed successfully."
    "name": "ExtrinsicFailed",
    "args": [
    "documentation": [
      " An extrinsic failed."

The metadata will include any module constants. For example in pallet-babe:

    pub trait Config: pallet_timestamp::Config {
        /// The amount of time, in slots, that each epoch should last.
        /// NOTE: Currently it is not possible to change the epoch duration after
        /// the chain has started. Attempting to do so will brick block production.
        type EpochDuration: Get<u64>;

The metadata for this constant looks like this:

"constants": [
    "name": "EpochDuration",
    "type": "u64",
    "value": "0x6009000000000000",
    "documentation": [
      " The amount of time, in slots, that each epoch should last.",
      " NOTE: Currently it is not possible to change the epoch duration after",
      "the chain has started. Attempting to do so will brick block production."

The metadata also includes constants defined in the runtime's For example, from Kusama:

parameter_types! {
    pub const EpochDuration: u64 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS as u64;

Where EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS is a constant defined in runtime/src/


Metadata will pull all the possible runtime errors from #[pallet::error]. For example, from frame-system:

pub enum Error<T> {
        /// The name of specification does not match between the current runtime
        /// and the new runtime.
        // ... snip

This will expose the following metadata:

"errors": [
    "name": "InvalidSpecName",
    "documentation": [
      " The name of specification does not match between the current runtime",
      " and the new runtime."
  // ...

These are errors that could occur during the submission or execution of an extrinsic. In this case, the FRAME System pallet is declaring that it may raise the the InvalidSpecName error.

Next steps

Learn more


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