
The enablement of forkless runtime upgrades is one of the defining characteristics of the Substrate framework for blockchain development. This capability is made possible by including the definition of the state transition function, i.e. the runtime itself, as an element in the blockchain's evolving runtime state. This allows network maintainers to leverage the blockchain's capabilities for trustless, decentralized consensus to securely make enhancements to the runtime.

In the FRAME system for runtime development, the System library defines the set_code call that is used to update the definition of the runtime. The Forkless Upgrade a Chain tutorial describes the details of FRAME runtime upgrades and demonstrates two mechanisms for performing them. Both upgrades demonstrated in that tutorial are strictly additive, which means that they modify the runtime by means of extending it as opposed to updating the existing runtime state. In the event that a runtime upgrade defines changes to existing state, it will likely be necessary to perform a "storage migration".

Runtime versioning

In order for the executor to be able to select the appropriate runtime execution environment, it needs to know the spec_name, spec_version and authoring_version of both the native and Wasm runtime.

The runtime provides a runtime version struct. A sample runtime version struct is shown below:

pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion {
  spec_name: create_runtime_str!("node-template"),
  impl_name: create_runtime_str!("node-template"),
  authoring_version: 1,
  spec_version: 1,
  impl_version: 1,
  transaction_version: 1,
  • spec_name: The identifier for the different Substrate runtimes.

  • impl_name: The name of the implementation of the spec. This is of little consequence for the node and serves only to differentiate code of different implementation teams.

  • authoring_version: The version of the authorship interface. An authoring node will not attempt to author blocks unless this is equal to its native runtime.

  • spec_version: The version of the runtime specification. A full node will not attempt to use its native runtime in substitute for the on-chain Wasm runtime unless all of spec_name, spec_version, and authoring_version are the same between Wasm and native. This would typically get bumped alongside a transaction_version bump.

  • impl_version: The version of the implementation of the specification. Nodes are free to ignore this; it serves only as an indication that the code is different. As long as the other two versions are the same then while the actual code may be different, it is required to do the same thing. In general, only non-logic-breaking optimizations would result in a change of the impl_version.

  • transaction_version: The version of the extrinsics interface, useful to synchronize firmware updates for hardware wallets or for any signing device to verify runtime transactions are valid. This allows hardware wallets to know which transactions they can safely sign. This number must be bumped when there is a change in the index of the pallets in the construct_runtime! macro or when any dispatchable changes, such as the number of parameters or any parameter type changes. This includes any change in pallet and dispatchable runtime parameter types. If this number is updated, then the spec_version must also be updated. Updates to the spec_version can be automated as a CI process, as is done for the Polkadot network.

  • apis is a list of supported runtime APIs along with their versions.

As mentioned above, the executor always verifies that the native runtime has the same consensus-driven logic before it chooses to execute it, independent of whether the version is higher or lower.


The runtime versioning is manually set. Thus the executor can still make inappropriate decisions if the runtime version is misrepresented.

Accessing the runtime version

The runtime version is useful for application or integration developers that are building on a FRAME runtime. The FRAME runtime system exposes this information by way of the state.getRuntimeVersion RPC endpoint, which accepts an optional block identifier. Most developers building on a FRAME-based blockchain will use the runtime's metadata to understand the APIs the runtime exposes and the requirements for interacting with these APIs. The runtime's metadata should only change when the chain's runtime spec_version changes.

Forkless runtime upgrades

Traditional blockchains require a hard fork when upgrading the state transition function of their chain. This requires node operators to stop their nodes and manually upgrade to the latest executable. For distributed production networks, coordination of a hard fork upgrades can be a complex process.

The culmination of the properties listed on this page allows for Substrate-based blockchains to perform "forkless runtime upgrades". This means that the upgrade of the runtime logic can happen in real time without causing a fork in the network.

To perform a forkless runtime upgrade, Substrate uses existing runtime logic to update the Wasm runtime stored on the blockchain to a new consensus-breaking version with new logic. This upgrade gets pushed out to all syncing nodes on the network as a part of the consensus process. Once the Wasm runtime is upgraded, the executor will see that the native runtime spec_name, spec_version, or authoring_version no longer matches this new Wasm runtime. As a result, it will fall back to execute the canonical Wasm runtime instead of using the native runtime in any of the execution processes.

Storage migrations

Storage migrations are custom, one-time functions that allow developers to rework existing storage in order to convert it to conform to updated expectations. For instance, imagine a runtime upgrade that changes the data type used to represent user balances from an unsigned integer to a signed integer - in this case, the storage migration would read the existing value as an unsigned integer and write back an updated value that has been converted to a signed integer. Failure to perform a storage migration when needed will result in the runtime execution engine misinterpreting the storage values that represent the runtime state and lead to undefined behavior. Substrate runtime storage migrations fall into a category of storage management broadly referred to as "data migrations".

Storage migrations with FRAME

FRAME storage migrations are implemented by way of the OnRuntimeUpgrade trait, which specifies a single function, on_runtime_upgrade. This function provides a hook that allows runtime developers to specify logic that will run immediately after a runtime upgrade but before any extrinsics or even the on_initialize function has executed.

Preparing for a migration

Preparing for a storage migration means understanding the changes that are defined by a runtime upgrade. The Substrate repository uses the D1-runtime-migration label to designate such changes.

Writing a migration

Each runtime migration will be different, but there are certain conventions and best practices that should be followed.

  • Extract migrations into reusable functions and write tests for them.
  • Include logging in migrations to assist in debugging.
  • Remember that migrations are executed within the context of the upgraded runtime, which means that migration code may need to include deprecated types, as in this example.
  • Use storage versions to make migrations safer by making them more declarative, as in this example.

Ordering migrations

By default, FRAME will order the execution of on_runtime_upgrade functions according to the order in which the pallets appear in the construct_runtime! macro - in particular, they will run in reverse (top-to-bottom) order. FRAME exposes a capability to inject storage migrations in a custom order, if needed (see an example here).

FRAME storage migrations will run in this order:

  1. frame_system::on_runtime_upgrade
  2. Custom on_runtime_upgrade, as described above
  3. All on_runtime_upgrade functions defined in the pallets included in the runtime, in the order described above

If you are running on a Substrate version after commit #bd8c1cae, the storage migration order has been updated to:

  1. Custom on_runtime_upgrade
  2. frame_system::on_runtime_upgrade
  3. All on_runtime_upgrade functions defined in all included pallets.

The reason is to cater for scenarios where one needs to write custom code to make frame_system::on_runtime_upgrade run and return successfully. Refer to the details here.

Testing migrations

It is important to test storage migrations and a number of utilities exist to assist in this process. The Substrate Debug Kit includes a Remote Externalities tool that allows storage migration unit testing to be safely performed on live chain data. The Fork Off Substrate script makes it easy to create a chain specification that can be used to bootstrap a local test chain for testing runtime upgrades and storage migrations.

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