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Try Runtime

The try-runtime tool is built to query a snapshot of runtime storage, using an in-memory- externalities to store state. In this way, it enables runtime engineers to write tests for a specified runtime state, for testing against real chain state before going to production. It is designed to be used as a command line interface to specify at which block to query state.

In its simplest form, try-runtime is a tool that enables:

  1. Connecting to a remote node and calling into some runtime API.
  2. Scraping the specified state from a node at a given block.
  3. Writing tests for that data.


The initial motivation for try-runtime came from the need to test runtime changes against state from a real chain. Prior TestExternalities and BasicExternalities existed for writing unit and integrated tests with mock data, but lacked an avenue to test against a chain's actual state. try-runtime extends TestExternalities and BasicExternalities by scraping state (which is stored with key value pairs) via a node's RPC endpoints getStorage and getKeysPaged and inserting them into TestExternalities.

How it works

The try-runtime tool has its own implementation of externalities called remote_externalities which is just a builder wrapper around TestExternalities that uses a generic key-value store where data is SCALE encoded.

The diagram below illustrates the way externalities sits outside a compiled runtime as a means to capture the storage of that runtime.

Storage externalities

Storage externalities

Testing with externalities

Testing with externalities

With remote_externalities, developers can capture some chain state and run tests on it. Essentially, RemoteExternalities will populate a TestExternalities with a real chain's data.

In order to query state, try-runtime makes use of Substrate's RPCs, namely StateApi. In particular:

  • storage: A method which returns a storage value under the given key.
  • storage_key_paged: A method which returns the keys with prefix with pagination support.


The most common use case for try-runtime is with storage migrations and runtime upgrades.

There are a number of flags that need to be preferably set on a running node in order to work well with try-runtime’s expensive RPC queries, namely:

  • set --rpc-max-payload 1000 to ensure large RPC queries can work.
  • set --rpc-cors all to ensure ws connections can come through.

Combine try-runtime with fork-off-substrate to test your chain before production. Use try-runtime to test your chain's migration and its pre and post states. Then, use fork-off-substrate if you want to check that block production continues fine after the migration, and do some other arbitrary testing.

Calling into hooks from OnRuntimeUpgrade

By default, there are two ways of defining a runtime upgrade in the runtime. The OnRuntimeUpgrade trait provides the different methods to achieve this.

  • From inside a runtime. For example:

    struct Custom;
    impl OnRuntimeUpgrade for Custom {
        fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
            // -- snip --
  • From inside a pallet. For example:

    impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
        fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight {
            // -- snip --

These hooks will specify what should happen upon a runtime upgrade. For testing purposes, we prefer having hooks that allow us to inspect the state before and after a runtime upgrade as well.

These hooks are not available by default, and are only available under a specific feature flag, named try-runtime.

The new hooks are as follows:

#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<(), &'static str> { Ok(()) }

#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn post_upgrade() -> Result<(), &'static str> { Ok(()) }

Helper functions

OnRuntimeUpgradeHelpersExt are a set of helper functions made available from frame_support::hooks in order to use try-runtime for testing storage migrations. These include:

  • storage_key: Generates a storage key unique to this runtime upgrade. This can be used to communicate data from pre-upgrade to post-upgrade state and check them.
  • set_temp_storage: Writes some temporary data to a specific storage that can be read (potentially in the post-upgrade hook).
  • get_temp_storage : Gets temporary storage data written by set_temp_storage.

Using the frame_executive::Executive struct, these helper functions in action would look like:

pub struct CheckTotalIssuance;
impl OnRuntimeUpgrade for CheckTotalIssuance {
    #[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
    fn post_upgrade() {
        // iterate over all accounts, sum their balance and ensure that sum is correct.

pub struct EnsureAccountsWontDie;
impl OnRuntimeUpgrade for EnsureAccountsWontDie {
    #[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
    fn pre_upgrade() {
        let account_count = frame_system::Accounts::<Runtime>::iter().count();
        Self::set_temp_storage(account_count, "account_count");

    #[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
    fn post_upgrade() {
        // ensure that this migration doesn't kill any account.
        let post_migration = frame_system::Accounts::<Runtime>::iter().count();
        let pre_migration = Self::get_temp_storage::<u32>("account_count");
        ensure!(post_migration == pre_migration, "error ...");

pub type CheckerMigrations = (EnsureAccountsWontDie, CheckTotalIssuance);
pub type Executive = Executive<_, _, _, _, (CheckerMigrations)>;

CLI interface

To use try-runtime from the command line, run your node with the --features=try-runtime flag.

The possible sub-commands include:

  • on-runtime-upgrade: Executes "tryRuntime_on_runtime_upgrade" against the given runtime state.
  • offchain-worker: Executes "offchainWorkerApi_offchain_worker" against the given runtime state.
  • execute-block: Executes "core_execute_block" using the given block and the runtime state of the parent block.
  • follow-chain: Follows a given chain's finalized blocks and applies to all its extrinsics. This allows the behavior of a new runtime to be inspected over a long period of time, with real transactions coming as input.

For example, running try-runtime with the "on-runtime-upgrade" subcommand on a chain running locally:

cargo run --release --features=try-runtime try-runtime on-runtime-upgrade live ws://localhost:9944

Other scenarios

Using it to re-execute code from a ElectionProviderMultiPhase off-chain worker on localhost:9944:

cargo run -- --release \
--features=try-runtime \
try-runtime \
--execution Wasm \
--wasm-execution Compiled \
offchain-worker \
--header-at 0x491d09f313c707b5096650d76600f063b09835fd820e2916d3f8b0f5b45bec30 \
live \
-b 0x491d09f313c707b5096650d76600f063b09835fd820e2916d3f8b0f5b45bec30 \
-m ElectionProviderMultiPhase
--uri wss://localhost:9944

You can pass in the --help flag after each subcommand to see the command's different options.

Run the migrations of the local runtime on the state of SomeChain, for example:

RUST_LOG=runtime=trace,try-runtime::cli=trace,executor=trace \
    cargo run try-runtime \
    --execution Native \
    --chain somechain-dev \
    on-runtime-upgrade \
    live \
    --uri wss://

Running it at a specific block number's state:

RUST_LOG=runtime=trace,try-runtime::cli=trace,executor=trace \
    cargo run try-runtime \
    --execution Native \
    --chain dev \
    --no-spec-name-check \ # mind this one!
    on-runtime-upgrade \
    live \
    --uri wss:// \
    --at <block-hash>

Next steps

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